pride – Hope&Life Encouragement for Today with Pastor Brandon Shanks Fri, 14 Aug 2020 09:33:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 pride – Hope&Life 32 32 44222390 What the More is For Fri, 14 Aug 2020 08:00:00 +0000 Continue reading What the More is For ]]> Last week I was getting some exercise walking through my neighborhood.  As I walked I was noticing the houses around me.  The more I looked I realized that I was only noticing all of the homes larger than mine.

“That one has a basement.”
“Oh, I love that extra garage.”
“Man, they have more parking than me.”

Instead of being thankful for the beautiful home the the Lord has blessed us with, I was discontent because I was comparing up.

I see it with my kids. They are always telling me about someone who has more than them and how they want it. “Dad, if you get this for me, I won’t ever want anything else. This is all I want.”

As their father, this is frustrating to me. Their Mom and I seek to provide everything they need and when they don’t get something that another person has it is usually not because we can’t afford it. We usually do not give them something they want because it would not be good for them. More, more, more is not the best for them.

Never once have one of my sons come to me and say, “Dad, I noticed that a friend of mine had less than me and I wondered why are we so blessed. Can I take some of my toys and give them away.”

We think a lot about why we have less than others.  What would it look like if we thought more about why we have more than others?

Our Heavenly Father is fully committed to providing everything we need forever and always. You don’t have to fear. You are fully provided for. If God hasn’t given you something you desire it is because it’s not the best for you right now. He is a good father!

What he probably is waiting for is for us to stop comparing our lives with others. Be thankful for the blessings we have, and recognize we are blessed to be a blessing.

My Dad has always told me, “We are blessed to distribute.” To give away the blessings of God. To love and open-handed life knowing that we can trust God to always provide as we follow His example and give our lives away.

Have you ever wondered what the “More” is for? 

“Lord show us who we can you bless today.” In Jesus Name!


