What Psalm 23 would be if everything was up to me

This past Sunday I shared about how Psalm 23 is a picture of what happens when we allow the Lord to be our shepherd. The following is what happens when we try to be our own shepherd:

I am my shepherd.
I always want something I don’t have.
I lie down in worried places
I hear the roar or noisy waters
It depletes my soul

I feel confused on my path
Trying to achieve something for my name sake

When I walk through the darkest valley
I fear every evil
I wonder if God is even with me

My possessions and popularity
They try to comfort me
I have prepared a table, but I can’t even enjoy it because of the enemies all around me.
I anoint my life with hurry and distractions; my cup is empty

Surely busyness and worry will follow me all the days of my life
And I will dwell in the house of anxiety forever.

I am so thankful I am not called to be my own shepherd. I have a shepherd and His way is the best way. Let’s trust the shepherd this week!

Are You Anxious?

At times it feels like we’re living in the age of anxiety. One of the reasons we feel so anxious is because we feel like we are not in control. Do you know why we feel this way? Because it’s true! This seems like a negative, but realizing you are not in control of the universe is one of the first steps to experiencing the peace of God. “Be still and know that I am God…” -Psalm 46:10 God has always used people who walked through uncertain times. Much of the Bible was written in the midst of struggle, hardship, pain, captivity, and pandemic. Let us allow this reality of not having the power to control to lead us to the power we actually have: You do not always have the power to control, but you always have the power to surrender. -Craig Groschel We can’t always control, but that is ok because we can ALWAYS surrender to the God who is in control. A prayer to help you begin to surrender today: “Lord, I surrender everything and everyone to you” Begin to surrender your need for control to God. Confess the things that you are holding on to and trust the one who is in complete control. “Lord, I surrender control of _______________________” (fill in the blank with whatever you are having anxiety about.) Have an amazing day! C – CONTROL BELONGS TO GOD A – ASK HIM FOR HELP L – LEAVE YOUR WORRIES WITH HIM M – MEDITATE ON GOOD THINGS