Do you know where you come from?

My oldest son looks just like me. Recently, while visiting his grandparents, he went back to my hometown. He came back and said to me, “Dad, everyone kept telling me, “I know who your Dad is. You look just like him when he was your age.”” People who saw me grow up could spot the resemblance.

We are often aware of our natural heritage or lack thereof. Maybe the legacy of your family is something that makes you proud, or not. Do you know that if you are a follower of Jesus, you have a spiritual legacy that far surpasses any natural legacy that you have or don’t have. The Book of Hebrews says:

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,

Hebrews 12:1

In heaven, you are surrounded by a huge arena filled with overcomers cheering you on! They are cheering you on right now.

Do you know where you come from? You come from a long line of overcomers! You look just like them! I can see the family resemblance!

You are an overcomer!

People just like you have overcame problems just like the ones that you are facing right now! Don’t quit, don’t give up. This is the family that you are part of. Read the stories of the people in the Bible, this is your spiritual heritage. These are the overcomers in your family. If they made it through the fire, so can you!

You are part of a grand story!

As followers of Jesus, we are a small part of the grand story of God. We are just part of continuing His story. When we think it is our story we can easily get stressed out. However, when we realize this is the story of God and He has invited us to be part of it it fills us with joy and confidence!

Do you know where you come from? You have a mighty spiritual LEGACY! You are from a long line of overcomers! Just read the pages of Scripture and be encouraged. If God did it for them, he will do it for you! Don’t forget where you come from. You are an overcomer! You are a son or daughter of the most high God!

Father, help us see that we are a small part of your grand story.  Thank you for calling us.  Thank you for having a plan for our lives.  Thank you Holy Spirit for your presence and power in our lives.  I pray for anyone today who feels inferior because of their natural family!  Help them to see that they have a great spiritual legacy of faith!  Help them to know that they are not alone today.  Fill them with encouragement and hope to keep trusting you and facing the battle with faith and trust!  In Jesus Name!  Amen. 

How Many Sundays Are In 30 Years?

“If your organization requires success before commitment, it will never have either. Part of leadership (a big part of it, actually) is the ability to stick with the dream for a long time. Long enough that the critics realize that you’re going to get there one way or another…so they follow.”

Seth Godin, (Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us)

I love this quote about leadership because so many times when pursuing God’s purpose we wait to fully commit. We wait to see how things are going to turn out before trusting God with everything. We stop too soon. We fail to remember that we are living for an audience of one.

When my wife and I moved our family to Knoxville from Florida to start City Hills in 2015 we were doing so because the Lord give us a big vision. However, when we moved here there was no evidence most days that the vision was going to come to pass. A few months after the church launched I distinctly remember the Sunday when we had our lowest attendance ever. There were about 30 adults there that morning and one of the Kids Serve Teamers came to me asking if they have to stay in the kids rooms because no kids were there. I remember feeling so low. I did my best to preach an encouraging Word and afterwards I went home and slept from that Sunday afternoon until the next morning. The next day when I woke up I had a word in my mind that another local pastor had said to me. He said, “Don’t forget, one bad Sunday does not define your future.” I thought to myself, “How many Sundays are in 30 years?” I made up my mind that day that I was not going to focus on that one Sunday when there were still over 1500 Sundays left in 30 years. We were here for the long-haul and were not going to wait to go all in until things were going better. I was following a calling God gave me and was committing to leave the results up to God. That day I went to a local store and bought 1500 pieces of candy and put them in a big glass jar. Each Sunday for the next few months I would eat a piece of candy and be reminded to stay faithful and enjoy the journey. Then my kids knocked the jar off the counter and broke it. But that’s another story. #DadLife 🙂

What has God called you to do? Don’t let the circumstances you are seeing right now discourage you from following God’s purpose for your life! Don’t quit! Don’t give up! God is not finished with you yet. Go buy you a big jar of candy and keep trusting the plan and purpose of God for your life 🙂

Father, I pray for anyone who is discouraged right now.  I pray that they would sense your love and grace in their lives.  I pray that they would have the courage to keep trusting you.  I pray for anyone who has been knocked down my circumstances in life.  Give them the strength to get up again and trust you!  I thank you that You are a God of second chances.  We fully commit our lives to you Jesus!  Have your way.  We trust your plan and purpose.  We give this day to you.  In Jesus Name!  Amen.

I can’t wait to see you this Sunday at City Hills! Join us in-person at 8:30am / 10:00am / 11:30 am and live online at

A Leader’s Team

anonymous friends standing together at sunset in mountains

Sunday I shared about the reality that we are all leaders. God has given all of us influence. Many times we do not see ourselves this way. I believe God wants to raise our level of leadership so that we can shine bright for Christ in the city of Knoxville and beyond!

“You are the light of the world—like a city on a hill that cannot be hidden.

Matthew 5:14

I believe that the followers of Jesus should be the best leaders on the planet because Jesus is the greatest leader of all time!

A leadership lesson from Jesus:

I want to look at one of the biggest leadership decisions that Jesus ever made. It was such a big decision that he spent all night praying about it. As a matter of fact, this is the only time that we see Jesus staying up all night to pray. What could have been so important that he would need to pray all night about it?

“One day soon afterward Jesus went up on a mountain to pray, and he prayed to God all night. At daybreak he called together all of his disciples and chose twelve of them to be apostles. Here are their names: Simon (whom he named Peter), Andrew (Peter’s brother), James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James (son of Alphaeus), Simon (who was called the zealot), Judas (son of James), Judas Iscariot (who later betrayed him).”

Luke 6:12-16

“Very few things are as important as the team you surround yourself with.”

Jesus stayed up all night to pray before he chose his team! He took time to pray about who he was going to choose to be on his team. I have a question: “Who is on your team? Who have you choose to walk with you and help you achieve the task of leadership that God has given you. If you are a parent, you need a team of people to help lead your children. What team have you put around you at work? What team do you have around you to lead your family? You may think, I don’t know about that. Many of these tasks that you are describing are just for me. I don’t need anyone else helping me lead my family. That is simply not true. We need to be intentional about putting people around us that will help us. We can’t do it all!

MYTH: Individuals accomplish great things.
TRUTH: Teams accomplish great things.

This is something that has been hard to learn for me. I naturally am a doer and I used to feel bad to ask for others to help me. But I quickly learned that I can’t do it all. I do not have all of the leadership giftings needed to lead City Hills Church on my own as an individual. That may surprise you. You may think, “They why are you leading Brandon?” Hang with me. 🙂

If I led on my own here is an example of things that I would need to be good at on my own: I have to be a vision caster, theologian, preacher, manager, team builder, creative, writer, conflict arbitrator, musician, and counselor. I have to know everything about real estate, audio/visual, graphic design, kids students, college, adults, seniors, food serve, funerals, weddings, social media, marketing, outreach, international missions, crisis management, Human Resources, legal, web design, app development, security, and so much more! And on top of all of that I have to be an amazing husband, a great dad, a good friend, and a body builder. 🙂

No one is great at all of these things! Yet, somehow we think that if we read enough books or attend enough conferences that we will be able to do it all. I am so thankful for the team of world-class leaders that God has surrounded me with at City Hills. I know I cannot lead alone. We we are going to accomplish what God has called us to we have to surround ourselves with amazing teams.

God’s dreams for you will be determined by the strength of the TEAM around you.

God has called you to lead! Your leadership is more important than you could ever realize. However, you can’t do it all alone. We need each other. A lot of times we surround ourselves with anyone that will accept us instead of being intentional about the people we put in our inner circle of leadership. Let’s be like Jesus and be intentional about the people we place around us. Let’s take time to pray about it. If Jesus needed to pray about the leaders He was going to surround himself with you better believe you and I will need to pray about this as well.

Maybe you think: “You’re right, I need to surround myself with Godly people who will help me fulfill God’s calling on my life… but I don’t have those relationships.” This is another reason why getting in a SUMMER SMALL GROUP is so important! In a small group you will get connected with other people that can walk with you on the journey. You may even find one of the people that you feel called to invite to help you lead! You never know! If you are a parent, this is why it is UNSPEAKABLY IMPORTANT that you get your kids and teens involved with City Hills Kids and City Hills Students. We need other Godly voices on our team speaking into the lives of our kids. I am so thankful for the Next Gen leadership at City Hills and how they speak into the lives of my three kids!

If there was ever anyone who could have decided to do his calling all alone without a team it would have been Jesus.

Jesus was God in the flesh! However, he chose to change the world by surrounding himself with a hand-selected team of twelve ordinary people.

 "Lord, I pray that you help us realize that we cannot do what you have called us to do alone.  Help us as a church family to be the most dynamic group of leaders in the City of Knoxville for Your glory!  We ask that You would give us wisdom and insight about who who surround ourselves with as we lead.  I pray you would take away the wrong relationships and bring closer the right relationships.  Help us to be on the teams of others around us helping them fulfill the calling on their lives.  We need you today Holy Spirit!  Make us into the leaders you have called us to be!  In Jesus Name!

Have an amazing day!

Don’t forget SERVE SATURDAY is this Saturday at 8:30am! No need to sign up, you can just show up at the church and we will go out to the various serve projects from there.

The Torch Bearer

The God of the High Endeavor
Gave me a torch to bear.
I lifted it high above me
In the dark and murky air;
And straightway with loud hosannas
The crowd proclaimed its light
And followed me as I carried my torch
Through the starless night,
Till drunk with people’s praises
And mad with vanity
I forgot ’twas the torch they followed
And fancied they followed me.
Then slowly my arm grew weary
Upholding the shining load
And my tired feet went stumbling
Over the dusty road.
I fell with the torch beneath me.
In a moment the light was out.
When lo! from the throng a stripling
Sprang forth with a mighty shout,
Caught up the torch as it smoldered,
And lifted it high again,
Till fanned by the winds of heaven,
It fired the souls of men.
And as I lay in the darkness
The feet of the trampling crowd
Passed over and far beyond me,
Its paeans proclaimed around,
And I learned in the deepening twilight
This glorious verity,
‘Tis the torch that the people follow,
Whoever the bearer may be.

—Author unknown


Windows And Mirrors

Windows and mirrors.
When you give a window into your life it gives a mirror to their listener into their own life. -Tim Elmore “Habitudes: The Art of Engaging Communication
We may impress others with our strengths, but we only connect with others through our weaknesses. Be real. Share your victories, but also share your defeats. Share your faith, but be honest about your fears. Next time you have an opportunity to communicate, plan to give a window along with your successes into a failure or two along your journey. You will do more than just communicate, you will connect. And connecting makes all the difference. You got this! Let’s make a difference! -Brandon