God put you on this planet to make a difference for His kingdom! You are a difference maker. You are a leader who has influence. Satan works so hard to cause us to doubt that we can ever make a difference because he knows that if believers know who they are anything is possible!
So how can we make a difference? I want to share with you 4 ways that a man named Philip in the Bible made a difference in the life of his friend Nathaniel:
Philip found Nathanael and told him, “We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” “Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?” Nathanael asked. “Come and see,” said Philip.
John 1:45-46
#1 Allow Jesus to Change You First
We can’t give people what we don’t have. Philip met Jesus for himself first before he told his friend about Jesus. Many times we are so focused on Jesus changing others that we don’t let him change us first! Stop looking at the issues in the world and allow God to heal the issues in your world. Sometimes we are such “Fixers” of other people’s problems that we don’t slow down enough to get real with Jesus about our own problems.
#2 Share Your Story
After Jesus changed Philip’s life he couldn’t keep it to himself. He had to share the story. Have you shared your story of what God has done in your life? Sharing your story is one way that you can make a huge difference in the lives of others. People can argue with theology but they can’t argue with your personal story of what God has done in your life! Share you story today. Share it online, share it with a friend, family member, neighbor, or coworker! A great way to share your story is by sharing “Before, how, and now.” Begin by telling where you were before God changed your life. Then share how God changed your life. Then conclude by sharing the hope that you have in your life now on the other side of Jesus touching your life.
#3 Don’t Try To Win Arguments
You can’t win souls and arguments at the same time. You can have all the right facts, but if people are closed off and trying to fight you they will never listen. I love that when Philip’s friend Nathaniel gave him an objection about who Jesus was and where he was from he didn’t try to give a big theological rebuttal. He just loves him and continues to invite him. Don’t be surprised by people’s doubts. Don’t be surprised if people have questions. God can handle their questions. You just be real and love them! Share the Truth from the scripture with grace and then trust God to do the work.
#4 Make An Invitation
I love that Philip just invites his friend to “Come and see.” He wanted his friend to just experience Jesus for himself. After Nathaniel met Jesus everything was different. It is the same in your life. If we can just get people in an environment where they can experience the presence and power of Jesus their lives will be changed. You can make a difference through simply taking the step of making an invitation. A lot of times we don’t invite people out of fear. This had to be a scary thing for Philip to do, but I am so thankful he did because without his invitation Nathaniel wouldn’t have met Jesus and his story has encouraged me for nearly 20 years now. You never know what God will do if you take the step of making an invitation!
Lord, I pray that you would change my life today! I want to meet you in a powerful way and never be the same. Before I focus on you changing the world, I pray that you would change my world. I give you everything and I trust you God. Have your way in my life. Also, use me today to reach out and share my story with people in my world that need you. Help me to be like Philip in the Bible who gave an invitation to his friend Nathaniel. Use me today. In Jesus Name. Amen!
I can’t wait to see you this Sunday for SUMMER BLOCKBUSTER! This is the perfect opportunity to bring someone with you to church! Faith and film will collide for an unforgettable experience! Join us this Sunday at 8:30am / 10:00am / 11:30am in person and live online – www.cityhills.com